Table 1

: Common Characteristics of Never Events

Characteristics found in never event definitions
OrganisationPreventabilityHarm or severityAccountability or transparency
NQF10Largely preventableSerious and adverseImportant for public transparency
CMS3Usually preventableSerious and/or adverseImportant for public credibility and/or accountability
NHS1Wholly preventable when guidance or safety recommendations have been implementedPotential to cause serious patient harm or deathNot addressed by this definition
CPSI2Preventable by using organisational checks and balancesResults in serious patient harm or deathNot addressed by this definition
OMEDIT14PreventableNot addressed by this definitionNot addressed by this definition
Cigna21Not addressed by this definitionNot addressed by this definitionNot addressed by this definition
Leapfrog13Always preventableAlways harmful to patientsNot addressed by this definition
UHA Health Insurance22PreventableSerious in consequence to patientIndicate a real problem in the safety and credibility of the facility
  • CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; CPSI, Canadian Patient Safety Institute; NHS, National Health Service; NQF, National Quality Forum; OMEDIT, Observatoire de Medicament, des Dispotifs Medicaux et de l’Innovation Therapeutique; UHA, University Health Alliance.