Table 1

Characteristics of the respondents (n=11 418) compared with national data

Characteristicsn (%) or mean [SD]Χ2
RespondentsNational Perinatal Registry* or Statistics Netherlands †P value
Maternal age at time of birthMean [SD]30.57 [3.97]<0.001
<25616 (5.6)13 499 (8.4)*
25–293770 (34.3)47 468 (29.4)*
30–344924 (44.8)64 390 (39.8)*
35–391505 (13.7)30 420 (18.8)*
>40178 (1.6)5844 (3.6)*
Missing 425
Maternal ethnicityBoth parents born in the Netherlands9514 (87.7)3 158 000 (71.5)†<0.001
Respondent and one or both her parents born abroad384 (3.5)762 000 (17.3)†
Respondent born in the Netherlands, one or both her parents born abroad955 (8.8)493 000 (11.2)†
Missing 565
Maternal education level at time of birthPrimary school, first 3 years of secondary school or lower level of vocational training673 (6.1)975 000 (22.6)†<0.001
Upper secondary school or higher vocational training2659 (24.3)1 710 000 (39.6)†
Bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral degree programmes7617 (69.6)1 633 000 (37.8)†
Missing 469
ParityNulliparous6556 (57.4)71 950 (44.5)*<0.001
Multiparous4862 (42.6)89 589 (55.5)*
Singleton or multiple pregnancySingleton pregnancy11 198 (98.1)159 213 (98.5)*0.001
Multiple pregnancy220 (1.9)2477 (1.5)*
Responsible care provider at onset of pregnancyMidwife-led care9691 (84.9)143 312 (88.0)*<0.001
Obstetrician-led care1692 (14.8)21 975 (11.7)*
General practitioner25 (0.2)
Other10 (0.1)
Responsible care provider at onset of labourMidwife-led care6915 (60.6)77 623 (47.7)*<0.001
Obstetrician-led care4487 (39.3)78 204 (48.0)*
General practitioner15 (0.1)
No care provider1 (0.0)
Onset of labourSpontaneous7692 (67.3)104 906 (67.0)*<0.001
Spontaneous rupture of membranes, followed by an induction with tablets or oxytocin398 (3.5)39 050 (25.0)*
Rupture of membranes to induce labour681 (6.0)
Induction of labour with tablets/Foley catheter/oxytocin2004 (17.6)
Prelabour caesarean section643 (5.6)12 460 (8.0)*
Mode of birthSpontaneous vaginal birth7195 (63.0)118 823 (76.5)<0.001
Spontaneous vaginal birth with episiotomy1356 (11.9)
Vacuum or forceps delivery1053 (9.2)11 240 (7.2)*
Attempted vacuum or forceps, followed by caesarean section101 (0.9)12 962 (8.3)*
Caesarean section during labour1130 (9.9)
Prelabour caesarean section583 (5.1)12 460 (8.0)*
Pharmacological pain relief‡No pain relief7014 (64.8)93 334 (57.7)*<0.001
Epidural2417 (22.3)68 386 (42.3)*
Remifentanil1026 (9.5)
Epidural and remifentanil154 (1.4)
Other179 (1.7)
Epidural and ‘other’29 (0.3)
Remifentanil and ‘other’5 (0.0)
Epidural, remifentanil and ‘other’4 (0.0)
Actual place of birthMidwife-led care at home2329 (20.4)20 487 (12.7)*<0.001
Midwife-led care at birth centre452 (4.0)4241 (2.6)*
Midwife-led care at the hospital1330 (11.6)19 309 (11.9)*
Obstetrician-led care at the hospital7260 (63.6)117 516 (72.7)*
Other47 (0.4)155 (0.1)*
  • *Based on women in the Netherlands who gave birth in 2019 registered by Perined (n=162 832). Not all add up to 100% due to unknown data.

  • †Based on women aged 15–55 in the Netherlands in 2019 registered by Statistics Netherlands (n=4 414 000).

  • ‡Respondents who had a prelabour caesarean section were excluded from this question.