Table 2

General overview of hospital and patient characteristics

Hospital type
 General hospital, n (%)14 (45)
 Teaching hospital, n (%)12 (39)
 University hospital, n (%)5 (16)
Patient characteristics
 Male, n (%)60 (55)
 Median age, years (IQR)65.5 (49.0, 74.25)
Reason for visit
 Outpatient visit, n (%)8 (7.4)
 Outpatient treatment, n (%)7 (6.5)
 Diagnostic test (eg, radiology, laboratory), n (%)36 (33.3)
 Emergency care visit, n (%)5 (4.6)
 Emergency care admission, n (%)35 (32.4)
 Scheduled admission, n (%)17 (15.7)
Serious adverse event
 Median number of cases per hospital (range)3 (2–6)
 Median DEER categories per case (range)3 (1–8)
 Median number of contributing factors (ECM) per case (range)4 (1–8)
Outcome (disability)
 None or N/A, n (%)12 (11.0)
 Minimal, n (%)12 (11.0)
 Transient (1–6 months), n (%)18 (16.5)
 Transient (6–12 months), n (%)8 (7.3)
 Permanent (<50% disability), n (%)24 (22.0)
 Permanent (≥50% disability), n (%)1 (0.9)
 Death, n (%)34 (31.2)
Medical specialties
 General internal medicine, n (%)16 (14.7)
 Cardiology, n (%)14 (12.8)
 Pulmonology, n (%)12 (11.0)
 Surgery, n (%)12 (11.0)
 Gynaecology, n (%)10 (9.2)
 Urology, n (%)9 (8.3)
 Oncology, n (%)8 (7.3)
 Other, n (%)28 (25.7)
  • DEER, Diagnostic Error Evaluation and Research; ECM, Eindhoven Classification Model.