Table 3

Proportion of prescribing errors detected by staff group within each hospital, n (%)

All prescribing errors
 Hospital A358 (38.2)83 (8.8)145 (15.5)352 (37.5)938 (100)
 Hospital B256 (44.4)48 (8.3)119 (20.7)153 (26.6)576 (100)
 Total614 (40.6)131 (8.7)264 (17.4)505 (33.4)1514 (100)
Potentially serious errors
 Hospital A143 (36.2)38 (9.6)57 (14.4)157 (39.7)395 (100)
 Hospital B84 (45.4)16 (8.6)35 (18.9)50 (27.0)185 (100)
 Total227 (39.1)54 (9.3)92 (15.9)207 (35.7)580 (100)
All prescribing errors involving high-risk drugs
 Hospital A54 (38.8)12 (8.6)11 (7.9)62 (44.6)139 (100)
 Hospital B49 (59.8)5 (6.1)12 (14.6)16 (19.5)82 (100)
 Total103 (46.6)17 (7.7)23 (10.4)78 (35.3)221 (100)
Potentially serious errors involving high-risk drugs
 Hospital A36 (38.3)10 (10.6)8 (8.5)40 (42.6)94 (100)
 Hospital B20 (54.1)4 (10.8)4 (10.8)9 (24.3)37 (100)
 Total56 (42.7)14 (10.7)12 (9.2)49 (37.4)131 (100)
  • *‘Other’ could be other members of staff, for example, dietitians, external healthcare providers and parent/carers. However, there was not enough information on the medication charts for our research pharmacists to determine exactly who they were.