First author | Year | Study design | Country | Context | Participants | Standard |
Ashour29 | 2021 | Hierarchical task analysis | UK | Community pharmacy | P, PT | Dispensing of medication policy |
Back30 | 2017 | Ethnographic study | UK | Emergency departments | N, Dr | Escalation policy |
Barrett31 | 2020 | Interview study | USA | Medical and surgical units | N, Dr, M | Electronic health record policy |
Blijleven13 | 2017 | Observation and interview study | Netherlands | Medical and surgical units, paediatrics | N, Dr, Ad | Electronic health record policy |
Bressers32 | 2021 | Ethnographic study | Netherlands | Anaesthetics, emergency departments | Dr | Safe surgery checklist, infection control protocol, supervision standards |
de Saint Maurice33 | 2010 | Document analysis and interview study | France | Anaesthetics | N, Dr | New preoperative rule for documenting certain items in patients notes |
Dupret34 | 2017 | Observations, interviews, survey | Denmark | Intensive care, geriatrics, psychiatric ward, radiotherapy, telemedicine, oncology, cardiology | N, StN, M | Standardised pain assessment using visual analgoue score (VAS) |
Grant35 | 2017 | Ethnographic study | UK | General practice | N, Dr, Ad, M | Results handling process |
Hakimzada36 | 2008 | Ethnographic study | USA | Emergency departments | N, Dr, Ad | Identification procedures |
Jones37 | 2016 | Naturalistic inquiry | Australia | Intensive care, medical and surgical units, emergency departments, neuroscience, rehabilitation, transitional care | N | Infection control protocol, central venous catheter protocol, medication administration protocol |
Jones38 | 2018 | Interview study | UK | Community pharmacy | P, PT | Dispensing of medication policy |
Lee39 | 2021 | Mixed methods | Korea | Medical centres | N | Electronic health record policy |
Lyons40* | 2018 | Mixed methods study | UK | Intensive care, medical and surgical units, paediatrics, oncology | N, Dr | Intravenous medication administration policy |
Mula41 | 2019 | Case study | Malawi | Medical and surgical units | N, Dr, P | Antibiotic stewardship standards |
Mulac42 | 2021 | Mixed methods | Norway | Geriatrics, cardiology | N | BCMA policy |
Niazkhani43 | 2011 | Qualitative study | Netherlands | Medical and surgical units | N, Dr, P, PT | Standards supporting medication use cycle |
Popescu44 | 2011 | Naturalistic inquiry | Australia | Medical and surgical units, cardiology | N | Medication administration protocol |
Qian45 | 2018 | Mixed methods study | Australia | Care home | N, NA | Medication administration protocol |
Rack46 | 2012 | Mixed methods study | USA | Medical and surgical units | N | BCMA policy |
Sanford47 | 2022 | Ethnographic study | UK | Medical and surgical units, intensive care, geriatrics | N, Dr | Gender breach policy |
Schutijser48 | 2019 | Qualitative study | Holland | Medical and surgical units | N | Double-checking of injectable medication |
Vassilakopoulou49† | 2012 | Case study | Greece | Community pharmacy | P, PT | Electronic prescription policy |
Uema50 | 2020 | Mixed methods study | Japan | Intensive care, medical and surgical units, emergency departments, neuroscience, rehabilitation, transitional care | Dr | High concentration of KCl infusion policy |
Vassilakopoulou51† | 2012 | Case study | Greece | Community pharmacy | P, PT | Electronic prescription policy |
Vos52* | 2020 | Qualitative study | UK | Intensive care, medical and surgical units, paediatrics, oncology | N | Intravenous medication administration policy |
Watt53 | 2019 | Interview study | UK | Acute hospital trust | N, Dr, NA, Ad | Blood transfusion policy |
Westphal54 | 2014 | Qualitative study | USA | Medical and surgical units, rehabilitation, community healthcare | StN | Infection control protocol, medication administration protocol |
*These studies were based on the same dataset.
†These studies were based on the same dataset.
‡Policies related to patients being admitted to single sex bays.
Ad, administrative staff; BCMA, barcode medication administration; Dr, doctor; M, midwife; N, nurse; NA, nursing associate; P, pharmacist; PT, pharmacy technician; StN, student nurse.