Table 4

Demographics of nominal group attendees

Attendees in health and local authority nominal groups (n=19)Attendees in community nominal group
Professional profile
 Local (community, primary, secondary)6 (31.6%)
 Integrated care board4 (21.1%)
 National maternity policymakers4 (21.1%)
 Local authority5 (26.3%)
 Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh2 (10.5%)
 Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean, African and any other Black background7 (36.8%)11 (57.9%)
 Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups (Black African, White)1 (5.3%)1 (5.3%)
 White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British6 (31.6%)
 White: Irish1 (5.3%)
 White: Gypsy or Irish traveller, Roma or other White2 (10.5%)
 Other ethnic group2 (10.5%)
 Prefer to self-describe2 (10.5%)
 Prefer not to say3 (15.9%)1 (5.3%)
 Female15 (94.7%)18 (94.7%)
 Male1 (5.3%)
 Prefer to self-describe
 Prefer not to say3 (15.9%)1 (5.3%)
Age (years)
 25–392 (10.5%)11 (57.9%)
 40–497 (36.8%)7 (36.8%)
 50–797 (36.8%)
 Prefer not to say3 (15.9%)1 (5.3%)
Sexual orientation
 Straight or heterosexual15 (94.7%)17 (89.5%)
 Gay or lesbian1 (5.3%)
 All other sexual orientations
 Prefer to self-describe
 Prefer not to say3 (15.9%)2 (10.5%)
English as first language
 Yes9 (47.4%)
 No9 (47.4%)
 Prefer not to say1 (5.3%)
Last time maternity services were used
 <1 year ago2 (10.5%)
 1 year ago2 (10.5%)
 2 years ago4 (21.1%)
 3 years ago3 (15.8%)
 >3 years ago7 (36.8%)
 Prefer not to say1 (5.3%)
  • Ethnicity and sexual orientation data are reported using the Office for National Statistics census categories.